Corinne Austin | Personal Training

Corinne’s Curried Roast Kumara SOUP!

A totally wonderful recipe for a cool winters day.  It’s a winner with dinner guests too – been there done …

How to Create Happiness in 2019

Happiness is individualised.  We each have an entirely unique experience of what happiness is and how we gather such happiness …

Recovery isn’t just Sleep

A good friend and mentor recently presented a session at our industry conference that had been inspired by his own …

Epigenetics – our power to control our own destiny

Who or what determines our future? Is it us?  Or God?  Or perhaps it’s some distant and intangible element of …

Footloose & Fancy Free

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of our humble feet.  In my eyes they’re our unsung heroes. …

The Totality of Health

I had a realisation the other day after a conversation with a client.  It dawned on me that decades of …

Why We Need to Bring Back Play

Over the last couple of years I’ve been exposed to many layers of education that cover a wide scope of …

How can we Restore Gut Health

In last months article I spoke about the emerging topic of gut health and why it’s something we should all …

Understanding Stress

We live in an age where stress has possibly become the most common phenomenon amongst us all.  It surrounds us, …

Exercise isn’t for Burning Calories

     “If you work extra hard, make those legs and lungs scream, do more than you think you’re capable of, …