Corinne Austin | Personal Training

Alive and Kicking

In her blog Corinne covers a broad spectrum of topics in the wellness spectrum. From the huffy puffy of exercise, to considerations in nutrition, as well as the power of the mind, Corinne provides you with informative and user-friendly suggestions to many of your wellness and fitness queries.

Corinne’s Curried Roast Kumara SOUP!

A totally wonderful recipe for a cool winters day.  It’s a winner with dinner guests too – been there done …

How to Create Happiness in 2019

Happiness is individualised.  We each have an entirely unique experience of what happiness is and how we gather such happiness …

Recovery isn’t just Sleep

A good friend and mentor recently presented a session at our industry conference that had been inspired by his own …

Epigenetics – our power to control our own destiny

Who or what determines our future? Is it us?  Or God?  Or perhaps it’s some distant and intangible element of …

Footloose & Fancy Free

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of our humble feet.  In my eyes they’re our unsung heroes. …

The Totality of Health

I had a realisation the other day after a conversation with a client.  It dawned on me that decades of …

Why We Need to Bring Back Play

Over the last couple of years I’ve been exposed to many layers of education that cover a wide scope of …

How can we Restore Gut Health

In last months article I spoke about the emerging topic of gut health and why it’s something we should all …

Understanding Stress

We live in an age where stress has possibly become the most common phenomenon amongst us all.  It surrounds us, …

Exercise isn’t for Burning Calories

     “If you work extra hard, make those legs and lungs scream, do more than you think you’re capable of, …