Corinne Austin | Personal Training

The Benefits of using a Personal Trainer

Now that we’re already two months into the year, most of you have probably auctioned your new year’s resolutions to ‘get fit, tone up, and lose weight.’ Those who are still dragging the chain may be doing so because you’re not entirely sure where to start or who to talk to first.

For those of you contemplating doing the ‘gym thing’ to assist you in achieving your health and fitness goals, you may be questioning whether a gym membership is enough, and if a Personal Trainer may be more beneficial. To help you in your decision-making, I’ve compiled a list of factors which outline when engaging the services of a PT may be wise.

  • Motivation & Accountability – Have you got plenty of drive, discipline and motivation? Do you have the power to push yourself beyond a threshold of comfort? If you’re answering ‘no’, then Personal Training may be worth considering. By having a regular Personal Training appointment you are immediately more committed and accountable to someone other than yourself. Personal Trainers (PTs) are experts at encouraging you to reach new levels and exceed self-expectations, even after a hard day at the office.
  • Exercise Adherence – Are you one of those types who does something really well for a short period of time before losing interest? Have you had past troubles with sticking to a goal for a decent period of time? If so, then you need to contract the services of a PT. The average gym member lasts three months before falling off the wagon. Having a PT will extend your gym life, and make you more likely to adhere to an exercise plan for a greater length of time.
  • Your Budget – Are you budget conscious? Do you have a limited amount to spend on your health each week? Although a gym membership may be the most affordable option for you, I would heaving consider saving up and enlisting the services of a PT, even if it’s just once every two months. The accountability and adherence factors alone will make the extra expense more cost-effective in the long run.
  • Previous Experience – Have you belonged to a gym before? Do you have experience with using gym equipment? If your new to the gym scene, and gym machines resemble something out of a modern day rocketship, then it may be wise to seek an experts advice. A PT will not only design a personalized programme to meet your needs, but will also show you how to use the relevant equipment correctly, and will continue to monitor your exercise form and technique. Under an experts eye, you can be assured your movement patterns are correct, your exercising effectively, and you’re at lessened risk of injury.
  • Injuries & Medical Complications – There’s no second guessing here. If you’ve had a major injury, surgery, or have other serious health concerns, a PT is a must. To ensure you only take steps forward, being guided by a professional is essential to your health and wellness. A good PT will liase with other relevant health professionals (physiotherapist, chiropractor, GP) to inform an guide them into developing the perfect programme to treat any specific injury or condition.
  • Progress & Record-keeping – Are you serious about achieving your goals? Do you like a visual record of your ongoing progress? Part of a PTs role is taking regular and accurate records of a clients body composition and fitness components. They will produce a report of their findings, and will then plan and prescribe new goals and a new programme based upon the results.
  • Fun & Creativity – Do you enjoy the company of others? Do you get bored easily? Experienced PTs thrive on the development of creative, challenging, and effective programming. You needn’t relent to the staleness of an ordinary over-used gym programme. PTs will think outside the square to make your sessions fun, unpredictable, and unforgettable.

PTs are no longer just for the rich and famous. Populations from all spectrums now use them. There’s many a reason they have grown in popularity over the years. There’s multiple options available – you can train one on one, with a buddy, or in a small group – there’s generally an option for all budgets. Give one a call today. The first step is always the hardest. But just do it! (Note: Always make sure you consult with a Registered Exercise Professional (REPS)).

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